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I'm chronically fatigued, and chronically nonsensical : )

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mommy wow! I'm a big kid now

Well, all, excellent news: I got a job! A big girl job! Starting July 30th, I will be an Air Quality Specialist I for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Quite the mouthful, right? I don't know too many particulars just yet, so I'll have to update again once I've started, but I think I'll be working in the Grants and Incentives department. I'm really excited about this opportunity!!! Like, REALLY EXCITED!!! All of my interactions and experiences with the District so far have been very professional and organized, and I am very very thankful to have gotten this position. Really really happy. Thank you, God! Did I mention I'm pretty excited about this? : )

I will also be moving in with my friend Kate within the next couple of weeks (now that I can afford to pay rent!!!). Her condo is incredibly close to the District, and I'm really excited to get to spend time with her over the next few months, especially since she's getting married next April!

Healthwise, I have been doing well. The heat this summer hasn't been kicking my butt as much as it usually does (but maybe it's not just as hot yet?). I went to the rheumatologist for a consultation about the potential auto-immune disorder that had been indicated in my blood tests a few months ago. He said he doesn't think I have one, that they just show up in the tests sometimes anyways...I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Might go for a second opinion sometime in the next few months, but I've been preoccupied with other things at the moment (mainly: having as much fun as possible before I start working--living it up!) so I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Life is SO great, God is SO good, I love you all! <3

Oh yeah, and I had some DELICIOUS roasted pig for 4th of July : )